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Mouthguards (Sports)

Image of a mouthgaurdWe were watching the great American pastime today - baseball. While we were watching baseball, we grimaced and sucked in our breath. A batter got hit today by a pitch, right in the mouth. He was ok, but that had to be painful. It got us thinking about how dangerous sports can be for your mouth. Many people play sports every day. You or a family member may be a high school or college athlete. You could also be a recreational player. For many people, damage to their mouths could be avoided if they would wear a sports mouthguard. Even if you don’t play a contact sport, mouthguards are important. If you aren’t sure what we are talking about, give Christensen Family Dentistrya chance to tell you about mouthguards.

What Are Mouthguards?

Mouthguards are usually made from a type of flexible plastic. The whole purpose of a mouthguard is to protect the teeth and gums from a blow to the face. People who are active in sports wear mouthguards either during practice or during a game. Some people wear mouthguards when they are participating in any athletic activity.

Mouthguards are able to take the energy from a blow to the mouth and spread that energy out so that the teeth don’t take the blow directly.

Why Are Mouthguards for Sports Important?

People who participate in sports need to wear mouthguards for several reasons. Millions of people are injured playing sports each year. The American Dental Association reports that 30% of all sports injuries are to the face. Unlike other parts of the body, sports injuries can mean that you have permanent damage to your teeth. Your teeth could be cracked, broken, or even lost from a blow to the face.

We can perform many miracles in our office, but there is some damage we can’t fix. Sometimes, teeth are too badly damaged for us to fix. When that happens, we have to do a tooth extraction. If your tooth isn’t replaced with an implant, your teeth may shift in your mouth. You might also lose bone from your jaw over time. It could lead to changes in your facial structure.

If we have the choice, we would rather fit you with a mouthguard. The process is simple. You come in, and we make an impression of your teeth. We then call you when your mouthguard is ready, and you come in for a fitting. We want to make sure it fits correctly. Then you are all set! Wearing a mouthguard isn’t the most fun thing on the planet. We get it. However, we would like to point out that wearing a mouthguard for sports is way more fun than the alternative - which could be a devastating injury. Do you have questions about whether or not you need to wear a mouthguard? Give Christensen Family Dentistry a call.

We can be reached at (480) 964-2131. Call us today, and let us make you an appointment to get your teeth fitted for a mouthpiece for your favorite sport. You will thank us later, when you still have all your beautiful, white teeth.


(480) 964-2131


Mon - Thu: 7:30am–5:00pm
Friday: By Appt Only
Sat/Sun: Closed
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Sports Mouthguard Mesa, AZ • Christensen Family Dentistry
Call Christensen Family Dentistry today, and let us make you an appointment to get your teeth fitted for a mouthpiece for your favorite sport.
Christensen Family Dentistry, 560 N Stapley Dr Ste 2, Mesa, AZ 85203-7320 + (480) 964-2131 + + 3/20/2025 + Associated Words: dentist Mesa AZ +