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Dental Veneers

Rendering of jaw with porcelain veneer on toothThese days, a lot of us are worried about how we look. We want to present as good a face in public as possible. It is not just about looking good for a date or your class reunion. This is about feeling good about yourself and the way you look. One place where many people could use some work is in their smiles. Very few of us were born with perfect teeth; even fewer of us keep our perfect teeth throughout our lives. If you have less than perfect teeth, we have the solution for you - veneers. If you haven’t heard of veneers, give Christensen Family Dentistry a chance to talk to you about veneers and why you might love to own them.


People have had bad teeth for centuries. Why do you think no one smiled in those old paintings of wealthy people that hang on museum walls? They were hiding their bad teeth. Mona Lisa probably had teeth that were cracked or chipped. Maybe they were discolored because of medical treatments. We’ll never know.

Veneers began in Hollywood because of the film industry. Directors asked a local dentist to change an actor’s teeth temporarily for filming in the late 1920s. The studio was impressed. Back then, veneers were made of plastic or acrylic. They were not meant to be permanent, and they were only adhered to someone’s teeth temporarily for a photo effect. However, gradually actors and actresses began to come to the dentist who invented veneers for a permanent fix. Inventors began experimenting with different kinds of veneers, but the type that has stood the test of time is porcelain veneers. Porcelain has been used in dentistry for decades. It gives you the appearance of having perfect teeth, and many are stronger than acrylic or plastic.

Now, we place thin porcelain shells over your teeth with dental cement to make the veneers a permanent part of your smile. Veneers can fix a million problems with your teeth. Maybe you have cracked or chipped teeth. Maybe your teeth are poorly spaced. Maybe you have discolored teeth. All of those problems can be easily fixed with veneers.

Care of Veneers

We craft veneers to look like your natural teeth. We make sure that the color of veneers matches your skin tone, and eye and hair color. We cement the veneers to your teeth using dental cement after we grind your teeth a bit so that the veneers adhere nicely. After we’ve done our job, you will need to keep your veneers in good shape. You still have to brush and floss twice a day every day. You still have to come in and see us to get your veneers checked as well. Be careful with your new veneers. They are not as strong as your natural teeth, so you need to use them with caution. You don’t want to chew ice or open cans with your teeth, for example. If you take care of them, veneers can last you for a lifetime.

Want more information about veneers? Give Christensen Family Dentistry a call at (480) 964-2131. We would love to talk to you about veneers and how they can make your teeth picture-perfect.


(480) 964-2131


Mon - Thu: 7:30am–5:00pm
Friday: By Appt Only
Sat/Sun: Closed
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Dental Veneers Mesa, AZ • Christensen Family Dentistry
We would love to talk to you about dental veneers & how they can make your teeth picture-perfect, give us a call and make an appointment today.
Christensen Family Dentistry, 560 N Stapley Dr Ste 2, Mesa, AZ 85203-7320 / (480) 964-2131 / / 3/20/2025 / Related Phrases: dentist Mesa AZ /