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Restorative Options When You Have Gaps Between Your Teeth

Posted on 9/7/2020 by Christensen Family Dentistry
Restorative Options When You Have Gaps Between Your TeethGaps in teeth are the kind of problem that may seem small and irrelevant to others, but big and relevant to those facing them. When inside, these gaps can cause food particles and debris to get stuck inside, which in turn could lead to infections and plaque formation. Gaps in teeth are particularly worrisome when they are visible and in the front teeth. Fortunately, there are enough procedures to solve this problem for once and all.

What Causes Gap in Teeth?

Some individuals are born with gaps in teeth, whereas in most other cases, the cause can be rightly guessed. It could be because of a mismatch of the supporting jawbone and the structure and density of teeth. It could also be a result of one or two teeth that are unusually big or small when compared to their neighbors which leads others to move and make way. In some cases, diseases and infections in the gum area have also been found to eventually lead to gaps in teeth.

What are the Restorative Options for Gaps in Teeth?

If the gaps are small and easily manageable, our professionals would suggest bonding. Resin is attached in the gap and since it resembles the color of natural teeth, the problem will be solved quickly. Veneers are also an option that our doctors frequently suggest. Made of porcelain, the durable material can effectively close the gap. In other cases, different kinds of braces are suggested, depending on the condition of the gap. These include both hidden and invisible varieties.

What if You Have Gaps in Your Teeth?

A misconception among many who visit us is that any gaps in their teeth, especially those in the front, can only be treated to a certain age. Nothing could be further from the truth. At any age, you have the freedom and technology to close the gaps and smile with confidence.


(480) 964-2131


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